About me

Welcome to my website. I am a Lecturer in Geography and Environment at Loughborough University, UK and, hold the title of a Docent in Political Geography at the University of Oulu, Finland.. As a human geographer I am broadly interested in exploring the way man-made ideas of borders and bounded spaces affect human mobility and vice versa. As such, I specialize in the study of state, territory, borders, sovereignty, (non)citizenship, and migration. At the same time, I often remain critical regarding “importing” ready-made ideas from the Global North to the Global South in terms of both theory and methods. My scholarship thus sits at the intersection of political geography, critical geopolitics, decolonial praxis, and qualitative research methods. I am the author of Sovereign Atonement: Citizenship, Territory and the State at the Bangladesh-India Border, Cambridge University Press.
Before taking up my current position, I was a Research Council of Finland postdoctoral researcher based in the Karelian Institute at the University of Eastern Finland (UEF). Funded by the Research Council of Finland (2022-2024), my project explored whether, why, and how the state creates a situation where refugees and asylum seekers are kept indeterminately waiting. In so doing, it was geographically focused on the Rohingya refugees in the camps of Bangladesh and the asylum seekers residing in different reception centers in Finland. Earlier, as a postdoctoral researcher in Geography at the University of Oulu, Finland (2020-2022), I explored the way regional changes and transformation processes take place in Arctic Finland and its adjacent regions due to state and supra-state organizations.
In recognition of my contribution to the field, I have been awarded the 2023 Stanley D. Brunn Junior Scholar Award by the Political Geography Specialty Group of the American Association of Geographers (AAG).
Previously I taught undergraduate and graduate courses at the University of Eastern Finland. Earlier, I also taught face-to-face and online classes at UH Mānoa and the University of Dhaka as a Lecturer. I am open to supervising new students.
My PhD is in Geography from the University of Hawaiʻi at Mānoa, USA. I was awarded the prestigious East-West Center Graduate Degree Fellowship to pursue my doctoral studies. I studied the choice of citizenship, experiences of (non)citizenship, and state-making processes in the former Bangladesh-India border enclaves in my dissertation research.

People on the move
South Asia esp. Bangladesh and India
Arctic Borders
Political geography
Critical geopolitics
Qualitative Methods
Decolonial praxis
E .1.26
Morag Bell Building
Loughborough University
Loughborough LE11 3TU
Email: m.ferdoush@lboro.ac.uk
Phone: 01509 225860
Photo: Takmila F. Farid
Web design: Morsaline Mojid